All Scripture is needed to see God’s plan.
Author: J. Randal Matheny
Randal and his wife Vicki have lived and worked in Brazil since 1984. He is one of God's little ones. He seeks to speak the truth simply and lovingly. Comments at this link.
Pleasing people
God examines the heart.
Growth of the Kingdom: a unique parable
This parable occurs only in Mark.
God is good in every way
The briefest of editorials.
Say: Thank you
Seven reasons to give thanks.
Bertha is now Bella
Various and sundry items on faith and work.
Get personal
Jesus brought salvation to many through individuals.
Confrontation, initiative and purpose
Four powerful points from John 5.
We are followers of Christ (II)
Two more essential aspects of discipleship.
We are followers of Christ
Three essential aspects of following Christ.