For who dares make light of small beginnings? These seven eyes will joyfully look on the tin tablet in Zerubbabel’s hand. These are the eyes of the Lord, which constantly range across the whole earth. Zechariah 4.10 NET.
We do not know the future. We walk by faith. We have confidence in God. We act according to this confidence. We know that the Lord can make small beginnings produce great results.
It all starts with a seed. God makes the plant grow and bear fruit. We plant, sleep, and wake to silent progress.
God begins with a single, humble brick. With one brick in place, God slaps on the cement and finds another to set in place. And then another.
The God who sees in his omniscience is the same to brings the work to completion and who sets the dedication plaque in place.
God is the one who builds the work. So we take steps to grow and strengthen our determination to serve our Lord Jesus Christ and glorify the true God.
These steps begin in our minds and hearts. Let us be certain that, with two or three willing souls, God can do anything. Let us begin.
- Everything figured out? - 2025-03-03
- What God wants - 2025-02-17
- Prayer for help - 2025-02-16