The question of the age and the question of the ages

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Abortion and the abandonment of the elderly are but two manifestations of the utilitarian view of human life. Another, growing in popularity, especially in Canada, is euthanasia.

It’s no coincidence that these are popular in a generation that thinks only of itself. The question of our age is, “What can you do for me?” When you can do nothing for me, you have no reason to live.

The big numbers of the human population do not diminish the preciousness of human life. Each person is God’s creation.

Among humans there are takers and there are givers. The spiritual world is also made up of these two groups.

The takers will be the eventual losers; the givers are the winners.

The supreme taker is the devil. He robs us of God. He robs us of ourselves. He robs us of our individuality. He robs us of our future.

The supreme giver is God in the person of his Son, Jesus Christ. He gives us everything. The list is long: forgiveness, restoration, reconciliation, love, peace, hope, joy, contentment, wisdom, strength, purpose, and life ─ eternal life.

To move from the question of our age to the question of the ages, we must ask, “What has God in Christ done for me?”

“I give them eternal life, and they will never perish; no one will snatch them from my hand.” John 10.28.


J. Randal Matheny
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