Let no one steal your joy

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This life is full of sorrow and pain. Christians are persecuted for their faith. All people are subject to the groanings of creation. Sin has left its ugly mark. Selfishness rules the world. The body falls ill and dies.

But there is good still in this world, as it is, and beauty. God has left evidence of his presence, in the majesty of the mountain, the vastness of the ocean, the glory of the rising sun, and the variety of flora and fauna. Even in the deepest suffering, a rose is still a beautiful rose.

Beyond the bittersweet existence of earthly life, Christians know the moving power of joy before the empty tomb.

As Emmanuel prepared his followers for his temporary absence and the heart-rending events to precede it, he said,

“So also you have sorrow now, but I will see you again, and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take your joy away from you” John 16.22.

This Jesus said to the Twelve. You and I are in the last era of indestructible joy. No one can wrench it away from us. No one can extinguish it.

Let no one steal your joy, because Christ has risen. This is the point of our Lord’s words. If we have Christ with us and he has given us the hope of life beyond the grave, we have it all. Nothing else matters.

Burton Coffman wrote that this affirmation of Jesus “is a prophecy of the unflagging enthusiasm with which the apostles would joyfully proclaim the good news of redemption for all men throughout their lives. They were hated, persecuted, scourged, and murdered; but the last one of them went down to death shouting the joyful message, ‘He is risen!’ Satan exhausted the total resources of hell in a vain effort to counteract the testimony of that little band of men to whom Jesus gave these words, but their joy was never taken away from them; and Satan’s purpose was totally frustrated.”

Let no one steal your joy. It is complete, full-bodied, sufficient, overwhelming.

It is our joy to love Christ even though we do not now see him, 1 Peter 1.8.

It is our joy to proclaim Christ’s salvation even if people reject it, Acts 5.41-42.

It is our joy to wait for Christ’s coming even if by our clock he delays, Titus 2.13.

So let no one steal your joy. Not even yourself.


J. Randal Matheny
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