This year I’ve chosen as my personal theme to emphasize in teaching and preaching the concept of “salvation.” As much as possible, I’m choosing Bible texts containing the concept.
Yesterday, in the new, shortened version of daily verses being sent mainly to those involved in the new Northside work here in the city, I published, in Portuguese, Ephesians 1.13. I’ve added a bit to it here and there for this article after translation.
In Him, you also, after listening to the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation—having also believed, you were sealed in Him with the Holy Spirit of promise, Ephesians 1.13 LSB.
In Him: In Christ is where everything good happens, including receiving the Holy Spirit. We want to enter him! Where is the entry point to get in? Read Acts 2.38 and Galatians 3.27.
The word of truth: The devil seeks to obscure the truth with many religions, traditions and theologies. The truth is found in the Scriptures. God has the truth, and he has shared it with us. No guessing, no conjecturing, no inventing, just accepting and receiving truth.
The gospel of salvation: This word is good news, because in it God offers eternal life. The more we understand the seriousness and eternal consequences of our sins, the more salvation in Christ will be good and joyous news.
Listening … believed: The word must be heard (and therefore must be taught, see Romans 10), and it is also essential to believe in it. Believing is not only intellectual, but the surrender of one’s life. In the New Testament, the idea of belief, or faith, often represents everything a person must do to receive salvation. It’s what we’ve properly discerned in the five steps to salvation.
After: Before hearing and believing, there is no access to any of God’s blessings for salvation. Salvation is given only after hearing the truth and believing. There is a tipping point, or better, a dipping point, at which one receives and enjoys salvation. See again the first point, “In Him,” above.
Have you heard? Have you believed? And have you shared it with those who have not had the opportunity yet?
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