Since the beginning, our people have written on the great themes of Scripture, about the overall plan of God to redeem mankind. One example, from our context, was a fine evangelistic series called "God’s Eternal Purpose," produced by the 1961 São Paulo mission team.
These works help to see the big picture. The details in Scripture are astounding and exquisite, but they need the widest possible context. Just as a Bible verse needs to be read within its context, so does the history of God’s redemption, whose conception occurred before time began.
For all that we may learn from such overviews, one of the best exercises for getting an idea of how and where everything fits is by frequent and wide reading of the Bible. We tend to read our favorite parts. We love to dip into the Psalms, pick out pithy Proverbs, retell select stories of the patriarchs.
Leviticus, not so much. (Even though one author says it’s the center of the Pentateuch — chapter 16, especially.) Ecclesiastes gives us headaches. Ezekiel leaves us breathless after the whirlwind. And why four Gospels? I have my favorite, you have yours.
All the pieces have their place. The Bible shows us the rich mosaic of God’s eternal intent and historical action, the interplay of past, present, and future. His time is linear, not cyclical, but diverse and rich threads weave the way forward.
I’m grateful for the wonderful studies, books, and treatises our people have written to give us the greater view of God’s purpose. I’m even more grateful for the precious Revelation from the Lord who spoke to us by the Holy Spirit through his servants, Acts 4.25. For all Scripture is inspired and all of it is useful, so that we may be informed and qualified workers in his Kingdom, 2 Timothy 3.15-17.
From all Scripture, we may then speak fully and authoritatively of the completion of God’s plan in Jesus Christ.
this Jesus, delivered up according to the definite plan and foreknowledge of God, you crucified and killed by the hands of lawless men. Acts 2.23 ESV.
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